Tuesday 12 November 2013


Narrative = story/plot - the narrative is the way in which a story is toldas the manner in which it is told can change perceptives. the meaning is constructed.

Key Concepts

  • Verisimilitude - the technique of making something look real.
  • Hyper reality - where fiction and reality mix together.
  • Inter textual - the inclusion of different texts within other forms of media.
  • Pastishe - an imitation of an art form, placing it within your own form.
  • Parody - imitation of an art form  for comedic effect.
Vladamir Propp - characters

  •   The hero
  •   The villain
  •   The donor
  •   The dispatcher
  •   The false hero
  •   The helper
  •   The princess
  •   The Father

Todorov - narrative order

  1. A state of equilibrium
  2. A disruption of the ordered state by a certain event
  3. A recognition that the disruption has taken place
  4. An attempt to repair the damage
  5. A return to a new state of equilibrium

Labov's basic elements of storytelling

  1. Abstract - How does it begin? (introduction)
  2. Orientation - Who/what does it involve? When/where? (characters)
  3. Complicating Action - then what happened (events of narrative)
  4. Resolution - What finally happened? (end of narrative)
  5. Evaluation - So what? (point/reason)
  6. Coda - What does it all mean? (the relevance)

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