Monday 6 January 2014

Evaluation - Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

When I first revealed my product it was to just to my classmates and teacher as we had decided to share out pieces so we could give critical and honest comments to help us improve our work if necessary.

The strongest comment I received was that my storyline wasn't very clear as the audience was confused as to why the characters were at that specific location in the first place and why young women were working there. To remedy this I decided to use text between transitions to explain a little more about the content of the trailer and to give the audience a clear depiction of what it entailed. The first question I conducted in my questionnaire was whether the audiences fully understood the content within the trailer and whether the could explain what the trailer was about. Almost everyone asked understood the trailer and knew that the characters were community workers.

Through the audience feedback I received through the other answers in the questionnaire I learned that, though everyone agreed that they would watch the full length feature after seeing the trailer, but a lot of people disagreed with the choice in film classification and said that the content was too disturbing to be a 15 as there were scenes that involved dead bodies, a large majority of the audience suggested that it should possibly be given the higher age classification of 18.

Other than that, the feedback I received was mostly positive, with a vast majority of the audience agreeing with the choices I made when making this product.

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